Sandy Bay Historical Society 2023-2024

Officers and Board of Directors

President:  Mary York
Vice President: Buddy Woods
Treasurer: Ingrid Brown
Curator: Ingrid Brown
Asst Treas:
Secretary: Steve Scatterday
Dir. Emeritus: Gwen Stephenson


’26 Mark Atkinson
’25 Marcia Audano
’25 Erin Battistelli
'26 Elizabeth Brooks
’25 Bob Burbank
'26 Paige Eaton
’25 Bill Elwell
’25 Michelle Elwell
’26 Sean Fennessy
'25 Dave Finer
’26 Rich Fitzpatrick
’25 Kerry Herrmann
’25 Nathan Ives
’25 Jackie Lageson
’26 Ryan McArthur
’26 Andrea Quinn
’25 Paul St Germain
’26 Peter Webber
’25 Dick York